From geekology, Seen here moments before child services were called, two LEGO parents grossly neglect 22 of their 24 bundles of joy crying hysteria. And now custom LEGO printer Citizen Brick is selling the orphaned minifigs for a scant $1 apiece. But seriously, somebody should have told that guy to put a plastic cap on his nubbin. Wrap it up, bro -- your wife is FERTILE. Kidding, I have no clue where LEGO babies come from. But I suspect a dragon from one of the medieval castle sets brings them if you pray really hard and put enough little gold pieces of eight from one of the pirate sets under your pillow at night. "They had sex, GW." WHAT? Toys don't have sex! None of mine do anyways. Okay, except for the Ninja Turtles. And, if I get drunk enough, MAYBE the Jurassic Park playset. "Is that why you've been walking like a penguin all day?" I think a t-rex might've chased the Jeep into my keister!
More customs here
Heh. I've seen this all over the place since yesterday. Pretty hilarious. Couldn't they make some happy babies?
I hadn't seen a lot of those custom faces yet. Good stuff. There is SO much cool after-market LEGO merchandise out there, I could easily drop hundreds of bucks.
For instance, check out Brickarms
Wow, I love the retro ray gun. I better not let Ben see that site! Is it true that Lego never made a baseball bat before?
They did recently for this guy, but they hadn't when Brickarms made theirs. A few years ago building zombie apocalypse dioramas was all the rage in the Lego community, and the Brickarms baseball bat arrived to address that.
Same thing with the Brickarms cricket bat which even mentions zombies in the blurb, and is of course completely the result of Shaun of the Dead.
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