Monday, December 29, 2008

Sneak Peak new JLU figure for 2009!

From martycollector, Hey JLU Collectors,

We already revealed quite a lot at SDCC 2008 of our 2009 line up, but wanted to give everyone a little holiday treat before the New Year. Take a gander at the image below! We are not revealing where this figure fits into the line-up quite yet, but you will see her in the first half of 2009!

1 comment:

Octopunk said...

I guess 2008 was the first year I wasn't driven to enraged distraction by the unavailability of the new crop of figs, so I can be truly excited about 2009's prospects. How nice that they finally decided to, I don't know, sell the toys they make.

Meanwhile, my list of still-needs is mostly holding steady, to be picked at one by one.