From geekology, This is a sickly amazing LEGO build by Mike Doyle of an abandoned Victorian house that's been crushed by a tree. And speaking of getting crushed by trees: people who have sex with Ents. TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMBER!
5' x 3' x 2'
50k - 60k pieces
Black, white, dark and bluish gray, clear trans and black trans colors used.
No foreign materials (wood, glue, paint or otherwise) were used - this is pure Lego.
Second in my series of Abandoned Houses
WOW. I posted a couple closeups after the jump, but you really need to hit Mike's website for the higher-res versions as well as shots of the first house in his 'abandoned' series (also worthwhile). He has a ton of info and in-progress shots of his builds as well. What he doesn't have is a bunch of pop-ups and porn banners, which is a shame because I would've clicked them.