Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Okay, now I'm totally confused about Dannik

Dannik is from A New Hope according to my research, but these 2 figures look different. Could it be that one of them is mislabeled? Either way it means that I still need to pick him up for my cantina. God, I had bad luck at Toy Vault 1. First of all, they closed down the sports/comic book side of Toy Vault, it's now all conflated and is a shadow of its former self. The guy behind the counter was a total dick and when I asked him if Toy Vault was going to be "okay" he didn't even look up but mumbled "don't know". When I asked him what happened to the other side he said, "Toxic spill" to be a jerk. Jerk.


JPX said...

go here, for example, http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://jediinsider.net/g/generated/Star%2520Wars/OTC/swEP3Dannik01__scaled_100.jpg&imgrefurl=http://jediinsider.com/index.php%3Fblogid%3D1%26archive%3D2004-10%26catid%3D8&h=153&w=100&sz=41&hl=en&start=15&tbnid=SuTsQmruZ2yoBM:&tbnh=96&tbnw=63&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dstar%2Bwars%2Bdannik%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

Octopunk said...

Man, are you ever going to learn to hyperlink?

Octopunk said...

Oh, I just remembered...the guy in Clones has antennae on his head, not face-worms. That doesn't explain why this guy's suddenly sporting them, though. Are those both new figures?

JPX said...

semi-new, like within the past 2 years I believe. Neither Vault had them, damnit.