For seven of the past eight days I have been working furiously on sets for a Power Rangers toy commercial. We had to make a huge set of a post-apocalyptic urban wasteland on which the colorful members of Power Rangers RPM fought the evil Grinders. The spot is the lead-in for a contest, in which kid fans of the Power Rangers make their own movies completing the story we started.

As toy scoops go, this is fairly huge. I got to see prototypes of the spring line, including one Megazord that still had its pre-production red and green coloration. Unfortunately, if I showed off any groovy pictures of the sets or the prototypes I'd honk off the Bandai bigwigs and damage the rep of my good friends who hired me. So groove on the sheer quantity! The boxes above were actually the
second batch of toys we had to wrangle after the batch being sorted in the top pic.
So there were tons of toys, which is cool, but they were Power Rangers toys, which are pretty much universally crap. Lame designs, construction, everything. Still, a fun job.
On a side note, I looked up the Power Rangers on Wikipedia and discovered that every year, instead of renewing the show, they start a new show. So there are
sixteen different sets of Power Rangers for kids to clamor for, assuming they would be interested long enough.