Friday, May 28, 2010

New Starspeeder 1000

From miceage, "In the merch shop was a preview of an item from Celebration-V:
the StarSpeeder 1000, which awaits us with the updated Star Tours."


Octopunk said...

I was all "Oh! Cool! And I live near Disneyland so I can get one for each of us!" for about eight seconds. But really, it's an inferior repaint. The paint job looks less Star Wars and more Southwest Airlines.

I'll still get you one if you want.

JPX said...

I think it looks like it's from the 1970s with that Mary Tyler Moore brown. Thanks for the offer but I think I'll wait on it. You have no idea how green with envy I am that you live so close to Disney. It seems silly but I'm obsessed with Disney and still find it magical. If I had it near me I'd buy an annual pass and hit it all the time.

Octopunk said...

There's no saying we won't do that when Zack gets older, but for now Disney is a limited venue for us. We took him once and had a good time, but there's only certain rides we can go on. I'm with you, it rules.

JPX said...

I was thinking of going to Florida by myself to see the Universal Studios Harry Potter park. I don't mind going by myself and I think it would be cool to go in October during the Universal Studios Halloween celebration.